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Pixowall strives to regularly update and supplement this site. Despite this care and attention, it is possible that the content may be incomplete or incorrect.

No rights can be derived from the content of this site. Pixowall is not liable for any damage in any way related to the use of the site or the inability to access the site.

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Pixowall is a brand of StasPix BV

Pixowall is a product of StasPix BV, founded with Stas as the primary investor. Our product is 100% developed and manufactured in the Netherlands, including the software with advanced AI integration. We benefit from the experience of the Stas organization, which has been offering a full range of hanging systems for over 30 years in more than 60 countries. With these systems, you can flexibly, easily, and quickly hang and move paintings, photo frames, art, mirrors, plants, posters, signs, wall tapestries, bulletin boards, and even guitars.